Thursday, January 07, 2010

An Accelerometer Based Instrumentation of the Golf Club

Unlike most other reports on the physics of golf, this one goes into a more detailed analysis and modeling for a particular aspect of golf. - the golf club and the mechanics of the golf swing. A couple of papers by the same author appeared on ArXiv this morning that study these things using accelerometers, and I found them to be quite a fascinating read.

An Accelerometer Based Instrumentation of the Golf Club: Measurement and Signal Analysis

An Accelerometer Based Instrumentation of the Golf Club: Comparative Analysis of Golf Swings

I found out that the maximum speed of the golf club head approaches the high 80 miles per hour. That's a substantial whack onto the ball. It would be interesting to see what the speed is for top pro golfers - I hear that Tiger Woods isn't doing much these days. Maybe he could be available for any follow-up studies. :)

Edit 01/08/2010: This author is producing preprints like a factory now. This morning, on the 2nd day in a row, another preprint related to golf appears on ArXiv:

Measuring Tempo, Rhythm, Timing, and the Torques that Generate Power in the Golf Swing


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