Monday, August 06, 2007

Einstein's Wife - Update

If you have missed the issue surrounding the PBS documentary (now discredited) on Einstein's Wife, Mileva Maric, you might want to read about that controversy first. Don't miss the comment by Allen Esterson at the end of that blog entry, who is playing a central role in challenging the validity of the claims made in that documentary.

I'm glad to report that Allen has contacted me again to update on this issue. Here is the e-mail I received from him a few days ago, which I'm copying here with his permission:

I thought you might be interested in the latest stage of the Einstein's Wife/PBS saga, as recounted in my article on Butterflies and Wheels:

As you'll read, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation has ditched the "Einstein's Wife" film (which they originally sponsored) and the accompanying student Study Guide. PBS, on the other hand, is continuing to maintain the project. They have tacitly acknowledged that their website is unsatisfactory by commissioning a rewrite. However, the person they have engaged, journalist and author Andrea Gabor, is seriously deficient in the basic notions of scholarly research, as her previous writings on Mileva Maric reveal only too well.

So the saga continues....


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