Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Magnon Transistors

A number of papers appear almost simultaneously on the invention of "magnon transistors". Instead of a transistor that directs the direction of electronic current flow, these are transistor that direct magnetic spin current flow, i.e. magnon flow.

Magnonic devices run exclusively on spin currents. (Spintronic devices, another electronics alternative, include both charge and spin currents.) To picture a magnon, imagine a row of spins pointing up, representing a magnetic material, and then imagine briefly flipping the spin at one end. This motion leads to a propagating wave that moves through the material as each spin influences its neighbor. Magnons can travel quickly and efficiently over long distances—up to about a centimeter in the best materials—without significantly losing energy or heating up the material, a feat not possible for electrons. But before building fast and efficient magnonic circuits, researchers need components that can regulate magnon currents.

I know I have been repeating this over and over again, but this is another example where basic research in condensed matter/solid state physics is now finding application in modern electronics.


1 comment:

Peter Morgan said...

And, at the same time, antiferromagnetism is getting some love, and some well-written explanatory articles, in Nature Physics, https://www.nature.com/nphys/volumes/14/issues/3