Saturday, May 08, 2010

Soudan Underground Physics Lab Open House

I don't know how "open" an underground physics lab is going to be, but they are having an open house anyhow. As I've mentioned earlier, the Soudan Underground Physics Lab is having their Open House TODAY, May 8, 2010. If you are lucky enough to be in the area, this might be a very good opportunity to go into one of the rarest places, an underground physics laboratory.

“The Fermi National Accelerator Lab has been sending a beam of neutrinos to the Soudan Lab since the first one was detected on March 20, 2005,” they say in the invitation. “It will also be an opportunity to ask the experts about the new project, NOvA, a 15 kiloton detector under construction on the Ash River Trail to study other characteristics of the neutrino.”

The lab is at the Soudan Underground Mine State Park near Tower. Free tours start at 8:30 a.m. and run every 15 minutes until the last tour at 3:45 pm.

I really wish I could go. It would have been a neat place to visit. Maybe I'll talk to the people around here who do work in that lab and see if I can get my own guided tour one of these days.


1 comment:

  1. actually, they do tours daily Memorial Day through September, and the first three weekends in October. Also, with 2 weeks notice, they'll do tours for groups during the winter.

    I keep meaning to try and get my family up there one of these days...


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