Wednesday, October 04, 2006

More Open House stuff

Things are truly shapping up with this Open House. For the first time, I'm not just nervous about the whole thing (I'm responsible for coordinating the High Energy Physics Division's exhibits and responsible also for choosing the location to display them - so if no one shows up, it is on my head). Now, I'm also excited because I see things taking shape .... slowly.

The "tent" to house our large cloud chamber is being assembled. It needs to be housed under this tent because it requires low ambient lighting, and a directed light to only a certain part of it for the tracks to show up clearly. We are going to project this onto a very huge screen using a color camera and a high-intensity projector. This will look awesome if it works!

Other groups are also slowly starting to get their stuff there. The "radar" detector to detect cosmic particles are all set up. They only need a projector. The MINOS posters are up and the rest are coming soon. Only the ILC (International Linear Collider) stuff will be done Friday morning, since these are coming from Fermilab.

Anyway, I also found something rather ironic. Our high energy physics building, Bldg. 362, will be fully occupied by several groups. The transportation division will have a tent on our lawn, the University of Chicago cancer research group will have their display and presentation in our auditorium, and I think another entity will be doing their stuff here too. It will be fully occupied, but not by us, the actual occupant of the building. Our exhibits will be in the high-bay building 366. So people will get to the High Energy Physics Division building, but the high energy physics people won't be there!



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