Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Argonne Open House

This past 2 weeks, I've been busy preparing for the Argonne Open House. In case you didn't know already, Argonne National Laboratory is having its first Open House in 6 years, and coincide with its 60th Anniversary.

This promises to be quite a big event. We have been working very hard to prepare our High Energy Physics Division's display and exhibits. While we have posters, exhibition of equipment, live display of actual cosmic ray events, etc., we will also have a tour of an actual, working, research accelerator. And I'm not just talking about looking at something 10 feet away through a glass wall. I'm talking about being right in the accelerator tunnel standing barely 4 feet away from it. They will not get this experience anywhere else at Argonne during the Open House.

Now if only they could find their way to get to the building that we will be in during the Open House. I hope the shuttle busses will work the way I think they should.


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