Thursday, March 09, 2023

Room-Temperature Superconductor?

Here we go again!

Big news with the new publication out of Nature this week. A report on an observation of room-temperature superconductivity on a sample that is under pressure at only 1 GPa. That pressure is exceedingly low considering that most of the other superconductors that that has a high transition temperatures tend to be under hundreds of GPa.

Superconductivity has been observed at 20 °C (294 K) in a nitrogen-doped lutetium hydride under a pressure of 1 GPa (10 kbar). The material was made and studied by Ranga Dias and colleagues at the University of Rochester in the US, who claim that the finding raises hopes that a material that superconducts at ambient conditions may soon be found.

Not only that, this thing changes color as pressure is increased, with it turning from blue to pink at the onset of superconductivity. I'm sure doing a reflectivity measurement such as UV-VIS to look at the phonon modes would be very interesting here. 

But as with anything here, this needs to be independently verified, meaning that another group must be able to replicate the recipe and observe the same thing, before this is widely accepted. We will just have to wait.


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