Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Making Physics Funny

Although Tom Gauld's cartoons do not actually focus on physics, he has included topics related to physics before. This NY Times article gives a brief interview and background on him, someone you would know if you read New Scientist frequently.

I decided to mention it here because the article included one of his cartoons that made me chuckle. I decided to include it here and make sure everyone is aware that this is credited to him. If he or his publisher object to this, I'll remove it.

It's pretty funny, though, because if you are involved in any kind of science forum or discussion online, this happens more often than you think.

And considering that our current President of the US thinks he's an expert in many different fields as well, I feel that I'm living in that Science Hell right now.



  1. Of course, physicists are notoriously bad about this behavior. "I know you've spent your whole career thinking in depth about this problem of biology/geology/engineering, but I am a physicist and based on simple dimensional arguments, I'm happy to lecture you at length on how your whole discipline is misguided at best."


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