This is not something new that I'm highlighting on this blog. I've mentioned a link to Emmy Noether theorem before in this post, and also highlighted a history of her work here. However, I think that there is no such thing as too much publicity on Emmy Noether, because she deserves to be remembered and admired through eternity for her accomplishments and insights.
This video tries to explain the significance of her work connecting conservation laws with symmetry principles.
However, I think that if I were a layperson, I'd miss the important point in this video. So here is the takeaway message if you want one:
Everything that we see and every behavior of our universe can be traced to some conservation laws. Each conservation law is a manifestation of some underlying symmetry of our universe.
This is the insight, and a very important insight, that Noether brought to the table, and it was revolutionary to physics. These symmetries are what we currently have as the most fundamental description of the universe that we live in.
Watch this video, and read the links that I gave above, several times if you must, because you owe it to yourself to know about this person and her immense effect on our understanding of our world.
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