Monday, November 16, 2015

Symmetry And Higgs Physics Via Economic Analogy?

Juan Maldacena is trying to do the impossible: explain the symmetry principles and the Higgs mechanism using analogies that one would find in economics.

I'm not making this up! :)

If you follow the link above, you will get the actual paper, which is an Open Access article. Read for yourself! :)

I am not sure if non-physicists will be able to understand it. If you are a non-physicist, and you went through the entire paper, let me know! I'm curious.


1 comment:

  1. In one of his pop science books, David Deutsch tries to explain the way a wavefunction or density matrix can be sliced and diced into different linear combinations. He calls this "fungibility". The economic analogy is not quite right, but I can't think of a better term myself.


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