Thursday, November 07, 2013

The Physics Of Urine Splashback

Oh, I kid you not, dear readers!

First of all, I'm sure you can guess that this isn't just something trivial with no applications elsewhere. But still, it is rather amusing that there is an active research on the problem of urine splashback.

If you don't know what it is, or maybe this is not a problem you normally have (especially if you have a different anatomy than a man), let me explain. It is the splashing that occurs when a thin stream of water hits a water surface. OK, sounds familiar? Good!

So what's the problem, you ask?

"In response to harsh and repeated criticisms from our mothers and several failed relationships with women, we present the splash dynamics of a simulated human male urine stream," reads their conference abstract.

One might think the physics of aiming urination had already been summarised by the formula: "get it all in the bowl". But micturation is still a messier business than it needs to be, according to the research.

Taking measurements live "in the field" did not appeal to the scientists, so the duo built a urination simulator. The "Water Angle Navigation Guide" is a five-gallon bucket with hoses connected to two types of synthetic urethra.

OK, that's just way to hysterical. And oh, there's a video in the link above to show you the dynamics.

So, is anyone here going to attend the APS meeting where this will be presented? I would appreciate someone reporting back.


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