I'm sure many of you have come across the same thing.
Here in the US, the college football ranking and the choosing of teams to fight for the national championship is determined by something called the Bowl Championship Series (BCS). Of course, those of us in physics, and especially in Condensed Matter, already had a BCS name used since 1957 - the landmark Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer paper on the theory of superconductivity.
Recently, I came across another name coincidence that is shared in popular culture. I watch HGTV channel quite often. In the many HGTV commercial promoting the channel and their various shows, they often play this tune, which eventually stuck in my head. I later found out that this is actually a song titled "Home" performed by a singer named Phillip Phillips, who won Season 11 of American Idol. Of course I didn't know that since I've never seen the TV show. But I thought it was a interesting coincidence because there's a well-known physicist in condensed matter (why is it always condensed matter?) at UIUC of the same name. In fact, there's a press release on a new paper that he and his co-authors had recently published on high-Tc superconductors (oh, it's that superconductivity connection once more!).
So what are the odds? After all, it really isn't a common name, or name combination. Have you come across the same thing where something in physics shares the same name with popular culture?
Regarding Philip et al's work, one should also pay attention to a comment on this work: