This article reports on an outreach program by a Fermilab team, invited by a Kavli Institute, to introduce high energy physics to students and teachers in China.
Shaffer was in China July 13-28 as part of a team from FermiLab, who was invited by the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China. This was the first ever such program offered for teachers and students in China.So let me get this right. US/Fermilab staff, who no longer have any kind of particle collider in the nation, are trying to introduce this to people in a country that HAS a running collider.
During this program, over 60 students and teachers learned how to bring high energy physics into the high school using real particles and real data. The first week emphasized the particle colliders like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland and included a tour through Bejing’s BEPCII collider. Using data from the LHC, students learned to identify and conduct research on particles physics.
Isn't this similar to a bankrupt person trying to teach a millionaire how to make money?
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