"The problem is that there are so many wanting to do science now that we don't have university places for them, and you can see that as evidenced by the entry grades they need to do science, which are going up and up.He called up the UK government to put their money where their mouths are:
"That's not an example of rising standards -- what it's really an example of is the fact that there are too many people chasing too few university places, in an area that we recognize as being nationally important."
"My challenge to government is, you've been saying for years you want more scientists and engineers in the economy -- what are you going to do about it?" he said.I think there is a slight increase in enrollment in physics here in the US as well, but I am not aware of any shortage of classes that are preventing students from enrolling in the courses that they need.
"Although [science] looks expensive, we actually spend sod all on it. The entire science budget, depending on how you define it, is about five to five and a half billion pounds a year, on a government spend of 620 [billion pounds, or $968 billion).
I think they need to ask whether the jobs exist to actually justify increasing enrollment first. Around the world, science funding seems to be on the down slope.