More theoretical analysis of the "kink" in the band structure of the cuprate superconductors. This time the analysis of the low and high energy kink in the ARPES spectrum can be reproduced using phonons via the extended Eliasberg theory[1].
Abstract: Eliashberg theory generalized for the account of the electron-hole nonequivalence and electron correlations in the vertex function is used. The phonon contribution to the nodal electron Green function in cuprates is viewed. At non- zero temperatures the singularities (kinks) in the frequency behavior of a real and imaginary part of an electron nodal Green function, and also in the nodal part of the density of the electron states modified by an electron-phonon interaction are studied. It is shown that near the optimal doping both the low-energy and high-energy nodal Green function kinks and also the abnormal broadening of a band in cuprates are reproduced with the electron-phonon interaction in the extended Eliashberg theory.
So here's another argument in favor of phonons for the origin of these kinks. The original blog entry that lists all of these development has been updated.
[1] E.A. Mazur
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