Nightline filmed a two and half hour debate between True/Slant blogger (Skeptic publisher) Michael Shermer and Huffpo blogger (best selling author) Deepak Chopra titled "Does God Have a Future?" at Cal Tech yesterday. An edited version will air on March 23rd with the entire conversation to be available online on the same date.
It is interesting that when a theorist offered to teach Chopra about quantum mechanics, he accepted. This is rather strange because it clearly indicated that he is admitting that he doesn't know much about QM, but he's been "using it" in promoting his quackery all this time! What's wrong with this picture?
This is what many of the pseudoscientists do, i.e. bastardize QM without understanding what it is. All they "understood" are those they got out of pop-science books or articles. If that is all what QM is, then we should be able to make constructive devices out of such books and articles only. Well try it if you can. There are people who can't tell the difference between learning physics, and learning ABOUT physics. There IS a distinct difference between the two...
Now we'll just have to wait for not only the Nightline show, but also the whole thing to appear online....
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