Tuesday, February 23, 2010

UK Funding For Homeopathy Should Be Cut

I seldom make reference to another blog, but this is one of the few times I will, because it is such an excellently-written blog article.

This blog entry reports on the recent recommendation, in the UK, to cut public money from being spend on research on homeopathy. The recommendation is contained in the report titled "Evidence Check 2 - Homeopathy". It was produced by the House of Commons' Science and Technology Committee. I'm guessing it is a recommendation for the MPs over there to stop such funding.

As the blogger has said, for once, the politicians are getting it right, and getting the right advice. To fund something that, for such a long time still cannot clearly established its existence, is futile. It is not the sign of a valid phenomenon. Yet, people buy into it based entirely on anecdotal evidence.



  1. have u ever tried homeopathy, dude? try it, before commenting...

  2. Hey dude. You know what? Even if I tried it once and it worked, do you know why this is STILL an anecdotal evidence and NOT a scientific evidence?

    There have been TONS of studies and reviews on this. If it works all the time or as well as conventional medicine, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED ALREADY BY NOW.

    Your comment is EXACTLY an illustration on why I said that there are people like you who can't tell the difference between an anecdotal evidence and a scientific evidence. And the sad thing is, some people even put their lives on the line based on the former.


  3. so u haven't tried it, have u? :)

  4. On the contrary, I HAVE!

    We bought "Dr. Frank's" spray pain reliever for the lark of it. 4 of us tried it for our various aches and ailment. No one got better!

    But if I do not accept anecdotal evidence for showing that such a thing work, I also cannot accept anecdotal evidence that it doesn't! So my unscientific test that it doesn't work has no bearing on whether it works or not.

    The fact that this is somehow important to you illustrates what you don't understand.


  5. I think the mountain of anecdotal evidence points to a scientific model which needs advancing.

    I use a variety of homeopathic remedies freqeuently, and personally my own anecdotal evidence it is good enough for me.

    When I look at the research however I do not see any compelling studies for or against homeopathy. I understand this is a difficult modality to look at under the current research model.


  6. You are welcome to believe in such a thing, even if it is based on such "evidence". I certainly have no desire to save you from yourself.

    And what kind of "research" work did you look at anyway?



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