This is the place where you can watch intimate, engaging, and funny videos with accomplished scientists who happen to have extremely compelling secret lives. You’ll hear these scientists talk about their work and about their “secrets” – the unique parts of themselves that make them who they are and often help to fuel their science. You’ll also see them answer penetrating and insightful questions like “When was the last time you ate blood?” and “Have you ever been called ‘Doogie Howser’?” Finally, you’ll get to interact via this blog with many of these scientists, with us – the SLoS team – and with the other folks who will make up “The Secret Life of Scientists” community (and that includes Inga… she was pretty young when she dated Einstein).
Not exactly "Big Brother", but it hopefully will be another thing that could dispel so many myths and stereotypes of scientists.
That will be interesting to watch. I've always wondered what some of the big named scientists are like behind the scenes.