The origin of the energy energy kink in the cuprates' ARPES data continue to be debated. This is while the low-energy kink remains a mystery after all these years. One of the issue that has been brought up is that the high energy kink could be nothing more than an artifact of the photoemission matrix element and thus, has nothing to do with superconductivity.
This issue has been tackled in the latest manuscript appearing on arXiv. Basak et al.[1] have performed a calculation to see to what extent the matrix element effects come into play in shaping the band dispersion. Their conclusion is that the high energy kink isn't due to the matrix element and is more of a signature of the coupling of the quasiparticle to the electronic mode.
I've updated my original essay on the kinks in the high-Tc superconductors to include this manuscript.
[1] Basak et al.
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