Friday, September 12, 2008

UConn's Year of Science - With One Small Error

The University of Connecticut is celebrating a "Year of Science" in 2009. I guess this is a natural successor to Year of Physics in 2005.

UConn will celebrate the Year of Science 2009 with lectures, workshops, performances, and exhibits to mark the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of his publication of On the Origin of Species.

The year 2009 is also the 400th anniversary of Johannes Kepler’s publication of the first two laws of planetary motion, and the 400th anniversary of the first telescope made by Galileo.

The American Institute of Biological Sciences, the National Academy of Science, and more than 185 professional societies, colleges and universities, museums, and corporations also are expected to participate in Year of Science 2009, a national, year-long celebration of science.

Unfortunately, the announcement has one error. See if you can find it. In fact, I'll even quote the paragraph that has the obvious mistake and see if you can spot it. I suspect that if enough people write in, it will be corrected and you won't see this error soon enough. So here it is:

production of a play on March 25 at the Health Center and March 26 in Storrs called Manya: A Living History of Marie Curie, presented by performance artist Susan Frontcak. The play will look at Curie’s childhood in Poland, her developing interest in science, and her collaboration with Pierre Curie. It will also examine the political, financial, and medical challenges she faced. Marie Curie discovered radium and radioactivity and recognized that radiation could be used to cure cancer. She was the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize, and the only person to receive two Nobels (one in physics and the other in chemistry);

Did you catch it? :)



  1. They seem to have forgotten about Pauling and Bardeen :)

  2. It was Henri Becquerel who was the first one to discover radioactivity, although they did share the 1903 Nobel prize.

  3. No mention that 2009 is also the international year of astronomy?

  4. Let me take a guess...

    In the first, there is NO WAY Kepler published papers on planetary motion in the same year Galileo invented the telescope. Kepler used Tycho Brahe's observations, which were done using a telescope, to derive his laws. As a guess, I would say the telescope & Galileo was around ~50years before...


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