Friday, September 26, 2008

Obama Outlines Science Spending Boost

Barak Obama has issued his 11-page plan for science (link may be open for free only for a limited time). John McCain has yet to respond, which is consistent with what has gone on so far during the campaign. Note also that John McCain had declined to answer the questions submitted by Nature, whereas Barak Obama campaign made an effort respond to each one of them.

But what was more interesting, for whatever it is worth, is this piece of information:

At the same time, 61 US Nobel science laureates endorsed Obama — the largest number ever to make their voices heard during a presidential campaign. In 2004, 48 science Nobelists threw their weight behind John Kerry, then the Democratic presidential contender.

The Obama supporters range from James Watson, a 1962 Nobel prize winner in physiology or medicine, to two of last year's winners in physiology or medicine, Mario Capecchi and Oliver Smithies. In an "open letter to the American people," they write: "The country urgently needs a visionary leader who can ensure the future of our traditional strengths in science and technology and who can harness those strengths to address many of our greatest problems: energy, disease, climate change, security, and economic competitiveness. We are convinced that Senator Barack Obama is such a leader."


1 comment:

  1. Nobel winners should threaten they'd leave the country if McCain gets elected. This is the only effective way to leave an impact on the Americans (not kidding...).


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