Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Graphene Pioneers Follow in Nobel Footsteps

I guess it is a no-brainer to consider both Andre Geim and Kostya Noveselov as one of the possible candidates for the physics Nobel Prize some time soon with their discovery of graphene. I guess that since October is approaching fast, more of talks of Nobel prize dreams inevitably comes up.

Presented since 1975, the Europhysics Prize is one of the world’s most prestigious awards for condensed matter physics.

Many winners have subsequently been awarded the Nobel Prize in recognition of their achievements, including the last year Nobel Laureates Albert Fert, Peter Grünberg and Gerhard Ertl.

The "equivalent" prize in the US would be the Buckeley Prize for condensed matter physics, which also had many of its winners going on to win the Nobel prize.

With graphene being as "hot" of a research area as it is now, I wouldn't be surprised if Geim and Noveselov win it this year.



  1. I'd be surprised. Graphene's just too new.

  2. "...with their discovery of graphene"
    This discovery must be verified. Is it really true, as it says in their 2004 paper, that "Planar graphene itself has been presumed not to exist in the free state, being unstable with respect to the formation of curved structures such as soot, fullerenes, and nanotubes (5–14)"
    Who exactly presumed this? Did they really prove "theoretical physicists" wrong by demonstrating "free stading graphene"?
    Did they really discover anything that was not known?

  3. If you think otherwise, then you should write a rebuttal to their paper, not complain on a blog!


  4. Thank you for your suggestion. I will indeed do so. But in the mean time, just for fun. Is there any qualified scientist out there who presumed that a free standing graphene sheet would spontaneously disintegrate in soot, fullerenes or nanotubes?
    Walt de Heer


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