Thursday, August 28, 2008

Taleyarkhan Punished for Scientific Misconduct

Rusi Taleyarkhan has been stripped of his professorships by Purdue and barred from being the primary advisor for any students for 3 years. This is the result of his failed appeal against the guilty verdict of scientific misconduct.

Purdue University today reprimanded and sanctioned one of its nuclear engineers for research misconduct. Rusi Taleyarkhan was stripped of his named professorship, which includes $25,000 annually in discretionary resources from the West Lafayette, Indiana-based university, $14,000 of which went into his salary. He will also not be allowed to serve as the primary adviser or co-adviser for students for at least 3 years, at which time he can apply for reinstatement to full faculty status.

Things, of course, are far from over, as you can tell from the article.


1 comment:

  1. Purdue definitely has something to hide. And I must say they are doing a mighty sloppy job of shutting up Dr. Taleyarkhan.

    Recall the original allegations against Dr. T were concerning the experiment itself (i.e., REAL science, not this ridiculous one-sided puppet show that seems to have the detractors pulling the strings on those in power).

    Reports say that the "panel" that made this decision was made up of a total of 3 members, appointed by the provost himself, another anti-Taleyarkhan crony.

    Judging by Dr. T's appeal and sworn affidavits circulating from other staff members in Dr. T's department at Purdue, the university is just digging a deeper hole for itself.

    From those above mentioned records, Purdue is in effect supporting and condoning criminal actions of the detractors that carry enough weight to put those guys in prison.

    If Dr. T decides to take legal action (which I hope he does), I hope that those guys who are complicit in their campaign against Taleyarkhan are beaten soundly.

    These detractors (which now, I am sad to say, includes Purdue) have gone too far, and hopefully Dr. T's ultimate success against these guys will set a precedent for other such criminal acts in the science world.


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