I've posted a while back a couple of review articles on the use of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) in the study of high-Tc superconductors. In fact, one can get many interesting effects, such as the "kinks" seen in the band structure derived from ARPES experiments.
My opinion has always been that for someone who wants to study a particular field, one should always start with such review papers, or, even better, use someone's Ph.D thesis! A thesis tends to have more detailed discussion of the physics, and everything that's involved in the research, such as the experimental equipment. Luckily, we have one such example here involving ARPES. This is a Ph.D thesis written by Dmytro Inosov of IFW, Dresden in Germany which studies the many-body effects in high-Tc superconductors observed from ARPES measurements.
He has very good coverage of the basics of many-body physics, ARPES, and BCS superconductivity. One can see, for example, how the electronic band structure changes as one goes from the simple one-body non-interacting scenario to weak-coupling, to Fermi Liquid, to strongly-interacting systems. There are clear diagrams that illustrate the deviation from non-interacting systems better than I had done in my "kink" blog entry.
So if you have an inclination to study ARPES/many-body physics/superconductivity, you can't do worse than reading this thesis.
Many more theses on the same topic can be downloaded from the web site of the Dresden library:
Just type "ARPES" or "superconductivity" into the search line.
you didn't mean "you can't do worse" right?
ReplyDeleteSo this thesis is the worst?
ReplyDeleteI mean that this is a very good thesis to read for background info.