This came out last Friday, but I've only finished reading the whole thing just now. As reported in The NY Times today, all the concerned regarding the safety of our Earth due to the LHC has no significant probability of happening. This is based on the report that was released a few days ago.
And note the argument that I've used all along from the Auger Observatory results.
Do I think this will silenced all those doomsday-sayers? Nope, because most of them have already made up their minds with their so-called "facts". They'll still be singing the same tune even 10 years after LHC has gone into operation, because people never learn. A few of the people that I know will probably be at there when the LHC begins not only the first particle beam this July, but also the first collision, which from what I've been told, probably will begin in Sept. I told everyone to take some pictures, especially if a black hole starts appearing. I want to be the first to post a picture of a black hole swallowing up a part of Earth!
EDIT: The preprint by Giddings and Mangano has now appeared on ArXiv.
The abstract is VERY clear:
Abstract: We analyze macroscopic effects of TeV-scale black holes, such as could possibly be produced at the LHC, in what is regarded as an extremely hypothetical scenario in which they are stable and, if trapped inside Earth, begin to accrete matter. We examine a wide variety of TeV-scale gravity scenarios, basing the resulting accretion models on first-principles, basic, and well-tested physical laws. These scenarios fall into two classes, depending on whether accretion could have any macroscopic effect on the Earth at times shorter than the Sun's natural lifetime. We argue that cases with such effect at shorter times than the solar lifetime are ruled out, since in these scenarios black holes produced by cosmic rays impinging on much denser white dwarfs and neutron stars would then catalyze their decay on timescales incompatible with their known lifetimes. We also comment on relevant lifetimes for astronomical objects that capture primordial black holes. In short, this study finds no basis for concerns that TeV-scale black holes from the LHC could pose a risk to Earth on time scales shorter than the Earth's natural lifetime. Indeed, conservative arguments based on detailed calculations and the best-available scientific knowledge, including solid astronomical data, conclude, from multiple perspectives, that there is no risk of any significance whatsoever from such black holes.
Any challenges MUST be done with physics, using at least the same level of meticulous study, and not by a series of quotations attributed via 2nd hand information from other people.
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