Lawrence Krauss and Chris Mooney want to change that. They are organizing a ScienceDebate2008 for the presidential candidates.
This fact -- combined with the undisputed importance of scientific research and innovation to national prosperity and competitiveness -- explains the recent emergence of a group called ScienceDebate2008. Under its auspices, scientists, university presidents, industry leaders, elected representatives and others have endorsed a call for the current U.S. presidential candidates to participate in a debate, or a series of debates, dedicated to issues in science and technology. More specifically, the candidates should answer questions about the environment, medicine and health, and science and technology policy.
I hope this takes off. However, I don't quite know how big of an influence it would be to the general public. Are these the issues that would sway their votes one way or the other? Would the perceived importance of science be a factor when these candidates debate about science issues?
I think this would be a great idea. But based on how little faith I have in politics I doubt it would happen. Or, if it were to happen, we'd be amazed (maybe) at how poorly the candidates are at talking about these issues.
ReplyDeleteBut I always hold out hope in being surprised ;)