It is no surprise that the US legislators lack scientific expertise. As far as I know, only 2 members of the US Congress are scientists. Well, let's hope there could be one more addition to that.
I received this e-mail from the Bill Foster for Congress campaign.
There has never been a more important time to improve the quality of scientific and technical judgment in our government. I am asking for your support as a scientist who has taken up this challenge – specifically, by campaigning for the now-open seat of former Speaker J. Dennis Hastert in the U.S. Congress.
Dennis Hastert has now resigned from Congress and a Special Election is scheduled for March 8, 2008.
This election offers a rare opportunity to send a clear signal of national disapproval for the continuation of the policies of President Bush and a Republican party that refuses to change course.
Since I announced my candidacy in May 2007, 24 Nobel Laureates have endorsed my campaign and we are making news. Over 650 scientists from across the country have so far contributed to our campaign.
Political endorsements for the campaign include Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, the Majority Whip in the U.S. Senate.
Like many other scientists, I have felt the frustration of a government that has abandoned the basic principles that we in the scientific community take for granted. Logic, reason, and demonstrable facts have been suppressed and ignored by an administration and congress more interested in pleasing its ideological patrons than in governing effectively. Our country will be suffering the consequences for decades.
In addition to the War in Iraq, our nation faces complex issues in energy policy, arms control, global warming, cost-effective delivery of health care, intellectual property rights, and individual privacy in the age of networked computers. Stem cell research represents only the leading edge of a wave of issues that will challenge and divide the most thoughtful of us – but has been used so far only as a political football in the abortion rights debate. Essentially every issue we face has a technological edge to it, and there is no substitute for adequate scientific competence in congress.
I believe that my background as both a successful physicist and businessman makes me well qualified to address the economic and technological challenges we face.
* As a particle physicist, I worked 22 years at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory where I was involved in the discovery of the Top quark and the design and construction of the latest of Fermilab’s giant synchrotrons.
More information:
* Before becoming a scientist, I was a successful businessman. When I was 19 years old, my younger brother and I started a company in our basement that now manufactures about 70% of the theater lighting equipment in the United States.
More information:
A competent, dedicated, and experienced campaign staff has been assembled to win this race. Polling data is favorable. The hard-eyed political viability of this campaign is addressed in our campaign prospectus (.pdf version)
· Contribute to the campaign at
· Endorse the campaign at
· Sign up for our newsletter at
It is no secret that winning a campaign in our democracy requires money. Many thousands of personal telephone calls by the candidate are typically required to raise the millions of dollars needed to wage a competitive congressional campaign. The necessity of fundraising has been a major barrier to the participation of more scientists and others in our democracy. You generous support lowers that barrier, and will encourage other scientists to follow the path to public service.
More information can be obtained at
I look forward to your strong support.
Bill Foster
Candidate for Congress (IL-14)
Looks like he has a clear vision of what he wishes to accomplish.
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