Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Public Lecture: A Different Universe

Hey, if you are anywhere near the UC-Davis campus on May 21-22, you may want to attend this. I certainly would if I were in the neighboorhood.

Nobel Laureate Robert Laughlin will be giving a public lecture based on his book. And it is about time too. This lecture should be a suitable antidote to the glut of public exposure on String Theory and the other notions of the "Theory of Everything". I have mentioned earlier about several of Laughlin's papers on the fallacy of such a notion and how reductionism has been unable to even come close to describing several emergent phenomena that we observe today. This type of message is seldom heard of especially among the general public, and certainly not among the pseudoscience proponents who don't seem to be aware of it. Hopefully, Laughlin's lecture will be one of the means to spread this message around.

I am certainly doing my part in it... :)


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