Monday, April 09, 2007

John Cramer Is Running Out Of time

When an experiment is too weird even for DARPA, you know it has got to be very weird, especially when it costs only $20,000 to continue (a drop in the bucket for military research). Cramer, he of the "Transactional quantum mechanics" fame, wants to "...test a controversial prediction from quantum theory that says light particles can go backward in time.."




  1. I feel this is a necessary investment. If we don't conduct this experiment now we may be passing up an oportunity to prove or disprove a standing principle that most of us have taken for granted without all the possible facts.

    If John Cramer's results conclude light particles can not travel back in time then it has only cost us some time and a pittance in comparason to other projects. BUT if he concludes light particles CAN travel backwards in time,.... what a kick!!!

  2. This isn't about sending a light particle back in time but information in the form of particle spin. You might want to read up on this a bit more.



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