Thursday, April 19, 2007

Even MORE Bastardization of Quantum Mechanics

Uh-oh. I can already see that this theme might drag on and on and on....

Let's add this to the existing collection of bastardization of quantum mechanics, especially by people who have no clue what QM is. This time, a psychic thinks that she can use QM and "energy" to predict relationships among people.

An aura, as defined by Oslie, is an electromagnetic or energy field that radiates from all matter, including people.

"Quantum physics says that we are all energy. Our energy fields can reveal important information about who we are, our goals, priorities and relationship styles. It's a really good sign if you like someone's energy," said Oslie in a recent interview.

EM fields are well-defined and well-studied. In fact, QED came into existence as a very detailed description of the EM fields. Nowhere in such a description is there a characteristic associated with "who we are, our goals, priorities..." and other crap. You do get values of the photon energy (frequency or wavelength), spin, momentum, polarization, etc... but no "relationship styles", thankyouverymuch!

I'm always amazed how these people can get away with something like this, and how there are people who actually buy into it. Don't these people actually go out and test something like this and see if it works ALL THE TIME? It is also ironic that physics is actually falsifying and throwing plenty of doubt into what these psychics are claiming. Yet, they're using it to legitimize the garbage that they are pushing. Fancy that!


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