This is the end of the second week back at work after the holiday season, and already it has felt like it has been a long year.
By the end of last week, the first week back at work, I had 2 research proposals to review, and one manuscript for PRL to referee. I've yet to sit down and read through any of them. Of course, there are my work project that needed to be restarted, all made extra difficult because we just can't spend any money due to the budget contraints. While I used to be able to buy stuff that I need, now not only do I have to think twice, three, maybe even four times if I really need it now rather than later, but I also have to pass it through a few people who will have to approve of such a purchase. At this stage, people are actually getting quite serious into the idea that we really have almost no ability to do the work we were hired to do since there's just no money to do them!
.. and so it goes.
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