ZapperZ's physics blog on the world of Physics and Physicists.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Physics is Fun Demonstration
More report on physicist trying to read to students and kindle interest in physics. Kudos to all of these efforts and all of these people in their efforts to make physics more attractive to these young students.
Speaking of physics demonstrations, I found this little experiment on youtube that that I think most kids in classrooms would counsider quite cool (warning: video includes fire and loud music).
I'd never even heard of a rubin's tube (isn't that a type of sandwich... with marble bread, mmhmmm) before I saw this video.
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Speaking of physics demonstrations, I found this little experiment on youtube that that I think most kids in classrooms would counsider quite cool (warning: video includes fire and loud music).
I'd never even heard of a rubin's tube (isn't that a type of sandwich... with marble bread, mmhmmm) before I saw this video.