Friday, October 06, 2006

More Open House worries

I've been up since 2:30 am this morning, thinking about how our division's Open House stuff is coming along. There are things that need to be changed, moved, and arranged. A bunch of stuff are finally arriving today, the very last day before the Open House itself.

I'm still struggling to optimize the viewing clarity of the cloud chamber. We are trying to project that cloud chamber onto a large screen, but our video camera seems to have a limited view angle, and we lent our wide-angle lens to another group for their research work. So unless something happens, we may not get the best image that we can have onto this screen. People may just have to go under the hood to look at the whole thing.

The International Linear Collider (ILC) stuff will have to be incorporated into the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) exhibits, because no one has been arranged to man the ILC stuff. That isn't too bad since the AWA exhibits themselves would merge smoothly with the ILC stuff.

The banners on our building are up. Hopefully, we'll have people dropping by tomorrow....


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