Thursday, October 19, 2006

I'm a Critter Killer

The accelerator beamline that we have is enclosed with 6-foot thick concrete blocks. This is because while it is in operation, it generates lethal doses of x-rays due to the bending magnets and from hitting the beam stop. So the whole facility (we call it the "bunker" for obvious reason) is interlocked and a whole set of procedure must be followed for it be secured for operation. During operations, everything is done remotely from the control room, and the bunker is locked/interlocked with no physical access.

Unfortunately, the experimental building we're in is not air-conditioned (I know, highly primitive for a Nat'l Lab), and during the heat of the summer months, they had to open the roll-up bay doors so that we don't suffer (luckily, the control room, laser room, and various other smaller labs within the building have their own air condition units). While this may help in reducing the heat, it also allows critters to get in. Sometime they end up in our bunker, which would be a lethal mistake.

We have been running a lot this week. I've walked into the bunker to survey the area before securing it for a run and have heard at least a couple of crickets chirping away - it's probably their mating season or something. Well, I tried to find where they are and maybe shoo them out, but after a few minutes, no luck. So I had no choice but to secure the bunker and locked them in.

We ran for about a couple of hours. Needless to say, when we opened the bunker again, there were no more chirping. It is also a common sight to see a scattering of dead flies on the bunker floor. Periodically, one of us has to escort a custodial crew to sweep the floor to remove the dead remains of these things.

So far, I don't believe we have created any mutant species due to the exposure. None of them made it out alive. So those science-fiction movies and books are wrong.



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