Friday, October 27, 2006

Ghosts Not Real!

In this season of Ghouls and Ghoulies, it needs reminding that many people do actually believe in these supernatural phenomena, dispite what science (and a bit of common sense) has to say.

Costas Efthimiou, a professor at the University of Central Florida, has a preprint awaiting publication that addresses the logical fallacy of a number of such things. It is a very entertaining read. Unfortunately, it also highlights the fact that a large portion of the population do actually believe in such a thing.



  1. I am a student in Middle School, and I am doing a project on the controversial topic of whether paranormal forces exhist or not. I wanted to use your site as a source, as I am finding it difficult to find sources saying ghosts are not real. However, I cannot take you seriously if you cannot spell 'despite' correctly on your home page.

  2. You should not be using someone's blog entry as a "source". This is as bad as using Wikipedia. How would you know that I didn't just make things up as I go along?

    Pay attention to the quality of your source of information. Not everything that you read on the internet should be believed, or even paid attention to.


  3. The point of the last anonymous commenter of her using your blog entry as a source is to find your beliefs on the topic she or he is doing. "CONTROVERSIAL topic" of paranormal forces-meaning she wanted your opinion and your blog entry would be that correct?
    Whats the use of having a blog if your just going to type in nonsense you yourself doesn't believe or think? Unless of course, you're doing it for someone else-but that's a completely different subject.

  4. Er.. come again?

    She's doing a school project, and she's using someone's blog, A BLOG, as a source? And you don't see anything wrong with that?

    There are many schools that don't even allow the use of Wikipedia as a valid source. What do you think is the likelihood that a blog would be a valid source? This student needs a clue. It has nothing to do with whether the blog is my opinion or not.

    If he/she wants reputable sources, go look in peer-reviewed journals, not someone's blog, for heaven's sake!


  5. good inormation.... but its kinda hard to understand, i mean im doing a speech on ghosts and does ANYONE have information i can understand?

    from "theinforater"


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