Friday, October 06, 2006

The day before the Open House

It was a very busy day trying to get things together for our Open House. I'm dead tired, but I'm quite happy. For the first time in 2 weeks, I am actually quite confident that we will have an outstanding set of exhibits and presentation that would wow the crowd.

The cloud chamber is performing very well - today, it was just a zoo of particle tracks. We have a video camera projecting it onto this huge screen. That will be the first time people would notice as soon as they walk in.

The presentation on the ATLAS detector at CERN is also very impressive. They have a movie showing how they slid in the tile calorimeter (which is a humongous and heavy beast) into the detector assembly. They are also going to show some particle detector tracks. The astrophysics part will include an actual, live tracking of high energy cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere using, of all things, radar! So people can actually watch this in real time, projected onto a screen.

I may sleep well tonight. I'd better, since tomorrow will be an early, and long day. I'll post pictures and stuff after all of this is over.


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